Expect more than just Fuel savings from your fuel card supplier, don’t expect too much from suppliers that don’t value you. They’re easy to spot: if you phone, you get a random call centre operator who’s never heard of you. Even fuel card companies, supposedly there to help you, do it. There is a way to cut your fuel costs and still enjoy personal service. It starts here.
When The Fuelcard Expert provides your free analysis of the fuel card market, it filters out any fuel card company with low service levels. Personal service matters, although cost savings are always your first priority.
Your main aim is cutting fuel costs – routine savings of up to 4p per litre on national average pump prices for diesel, petrol or both. For motorway refuelling, expect to save 10p per litre or more. Potential suppliers offering less, or not offering discounts at all, are excluded from your results.
Network consideration is determined by your specific needs. A filling station on your doorstep might be vital, or it could be more important that drivers can refuel quickly and easily throughout the country. This factor alone will rule out some suppliers.
These are just the first vital questions that an impartial expert covers in finding the best answer to your individual needs.
The Fuelcard Expert provides impartial analysis of every major fuel brand, making everything simple. In just a few clicks, you define your refuelling needs. Then, in seconds, The Fuelcard Expert compares everything available to find you the best possible fuel card deal – including discounts, networks, service levels and more.
Free independent advice on fuel cards is just a click away: to find the fuel card that meets all of your needs, including personal service, just ask The Fuelcard Expert.