The Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) has published new research highlighting the significant proportion of drivers who fail to take regular rest breaks when completing long journeys.
A shocking 65 per cent of respondents to the IAM's research stated they do not stop on long journeys because they do not feel that they need to, while 79 per cent stated they would only plan in a rest stop if there is a convenient motorway services along their chosen route.
Both of these statistics highlight a serious issue for all drivers, as excessive tiredness can be one of the biggest dangers that travellers face when out on the roads.
Excessive fatigue can cause individuals to lose concentration, to become drowsy and to even fall asleep at the wheel – all issues that can significantly increase a motorist's risks of being involved in a serious accident.
According to the IAM's poll – which interviewed more than 1,700 UK drivers – the vast majority of UK road users (85 per cent) will plan in advance for journeys by filling up with fuel and planning their route, but just 50 per cent consider the need to rest when organising their travel itinerary (with even fewer actually sticking to these planned stops when travelling).
IAM chief executive officer Sarah Sillars said: "Where drivers avoid taking rest breaks at a motorway service station, simply because they want to reach a destination quicker, [they] raise the risk of making several mistakes and being involved in an incident."
"Take a bottle of water with you before embarking on a long journey, keep hydrated throughout and allow for some much-needed rest," the IAM chief advised.